Telangana’s Teja chilli

Telangana’s Teja chilli

News Highlights:

  • Telangana’s Teja chilli: The growing demand for the popular Teja variety of red chilli in the export market, which is well-known for its wide range of uses in both food and medicine, is proving to be beneficial.
  • Khammam district Telangana, the largest producer of the Teja variety of red chilli, is the leading exporter of pungent fruit. 
  • It is known not only for its culinary purpose as a flavouring agent to spice up various delicacies but as a main ingredient in making pepper spray. 

Export of Teja Red chilli:

  • Oleoresin Demand:
    • The huge demand for Oleoresin, a natural chilli extract, is mainly driving the export of the Teja variety of red chilli from Khammam district to various spice processing industries in several Asian countries.
    • Oleoresin is a deep red-coloured, semi-viscous liquid extracted from dried red pepper
    • Most oleoresins are used as flavours and perfumes, and some are used medicinally.
  • Exporting countries:
    • Teja variety of red chilli is being exported to China, Bangladesh and a few other south Asian countries from Khammam mainly through the Chennai port.
    • The Guntur district is the main producer and exporter of most varieties of chillies and chilli powder from India to regions such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Middle East, South Korea, the UK, the US, and Latin America.
  • Export growth:
    • The export of the Teja variety of red chilli is expected to grow from the present ₹2000 crore per annum to ₹2500 crore next year.
    • A major chunk of the commodity is being exported to China.

Teja Red Chilli:

  • About:
    • Teja Red Chilli, also known as S-17, is a fine variety of Guntur chilli
    • Teja is one of the hottest varieties of red chillies produced in India.
    • The chilli is known and liked across the country for its fierce hot flavour and rich aroma. 
    • Southern India is the main region of Teja or S17 red chilli production. 
    • The popularity of Teja dried red chillies crosses all boundaries as spice lovers all over the world are fond of this red chilli variant because of its hot tingling taste and eye-watering peppery flavour.
  • Specifications:
    • This is a highly pungent chilli. 
    • Thin appearance. Length 5-9 cm without stem, Breadth: 0.8-1.3 cm. Thin Skin. High Seed Content. 
    • There isn’t much wrinkle, even when it’s fully dried.
  • Cultivation:
    • Teja chilli has its peak harvesting season from December to March.
    • The chilli acreage has come down drastically from 1.03 lakh acres during 2021-22 to 69,888 acres in the current year with many chilli farmers shifting to the cultivation of cotton and other crops after suffering extensive crop damage due to the new invasive thrips virus last year.
    • Under the influence of the thrips attack, the output fell pitifully low to 8 quintals per acre compared to the average yield of 25 quintals of red chillies per acre.
    • Teja crops are highly prone to disease, and therefore need special care and attention to ensure a healthy, pest-free yield.
  • Geographical conditions:
    • The Teja chilli is cultivated, processed, and made available mainly from the Khammam district of Telangana. It is also grown in neighbouring regions such as the districts of Prakasam and  Warangal.
    • The chilli requires a warm and humid climate for its growth and dry weather during its period of maturation. 
    • The crop can be grown at altitudes up to 2,100 meters above sea level. Black soils with a pH value from 6 to 7 and retaining moisture for long periods of time are suitable for a rain-fed crop; whereas well-drained chalky, deltaic, and sandy, loamy soils are good under irrigated conditions.

Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Content Source: The Hindu

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