Bird Flu Virus


News Highlight

Monitoring the evolution of the shapeshifting bird flu virus can add to the preparedness against another potential pandemic.

Key Takeaway

  • Bird flu, often known as avian influenza, is a highly contagious viral virus that mainly affects birds.
  • The virus can infrequently infect mammals from birds, a condition known as spillover, and it can only rarely transfer between mammals.

Bird flu Virus

  • About
    • Avian influenza, sometimes known as bird flu, is a disease caused by avian influenza.
    • Additionally, type A viruses are naturally prevalent in wild birds worldwide.
    • The virus can infect household fowl such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys, and there have been reports of H5N1 infection in Thailand zoos in pigs, cats, and even tigers.
    • The two proteins on the surfaces of Avian Influenza type A viruses are used to classify them: Hemagglutinin (HA) and Neuraminidase (NA).
    • Furthermore, there are approximately 18 HA and 11 NA subtypes. H5N1, H7N2, H9N6, H17N10, and other combinations of these two proteins are feasible.
  • Bird flu: Infection in humans
    • Firstly, human infections with avian and swine influenza strains such as A(H1N1), A(H1N2), A(H5N1), and A(H7N9) have been reported.
    • The first human H5N1 infection was identified in 1997. 
    • Over 700 instances of Asian Highly Pathogenic Asian Avian Influenza A (HPAI) H5N1 virus infection have been reported to the World Health Organization from 16 countries. 
    • As well as, the infection is lethal, with a fatality rate of around 60%.
    • Furthermore, direct contact when a person comes into close touch with infected birds, either dead or living, is the most prevalent method of virus transmission.

Modes of Transmission of Avian Influenza

  • Avian influenza is typically disseminated through direct contact between infected and healthy birds.
  • In addition, it can be detected in secretions from the nose, mouth, and eyes, among other places.
  • HPAI illness is transmitted to humans by diseased chickens; the sickness is not airborne.
  • Humans can transmit the avian influenza virus from birds, although human-to-human contact is considerably more difficult without symbolic interaction.
  • The following man-made habitats have helped spread avian influenza:
    • Indoor commercial poultry
    • Range-raised commercial poultry
    • Live poultry markets
    • Hobby flocks
    • Bird collection and trading systems

Impact of Avian Influenza

  • Firstly, member states of The WHO have recognised the necessity for a transparent framework for exchanging vaccines and gaining advantages from other networks.
  • Cooperative initiatives developed in response to HPAI have served as the foundation for programmes addressing other emerging and re-emerging infectious illnesses.
  • The poultry sector provides around 20% of the protein consumed.
  • Additionally, periodic bird flu epidemics impact poultry consumption because diseased birds are culled in huge numbers.
  • In Vietnam, 50 million birds were slaughtered as part of infection control operations.
  • According to a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimate, economic losses in South East Asia totalled over US$ 10 billion.
  • Small commercial producers feel the most significant impact. 
  • Furthermore, the government’s compensation for the lost chickens has changed over time. ‘Some were paid significantly less than the market wage, while others received no pay.

Pic Courtesy: The Hindu

Content Source: The Hindu

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Created on By Pavithra

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Consider the following statements with reference to the Bird flu Virus:

1.  The most pathogenic strain of this virus causing bird flu is H1N1.

2. Culling and vaccinating livestock is a short-term strategy to prevent the flu pandemic.

3. Viruses causing bird flu belongs to influenza virus A strain.

4. A human vaccine is available to control the spread of disease in the human population.

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