Global Climate Report

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Climate change worsened extreme weather events in 2022: State of the Global Climate report.

Key Takeaway

  • Rising global temperatures in 2022 will contribute to more frequent and intense extreme weather events worldwide.
  • According to the World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Global Climate 2022 study, released on April 21, 2022.
  • In the United States, these extreme weather occurrences include heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, cold extremes, heavy rain, flooding, tropical cyclones, and other extreme storms such as tornadoes. 
  • Many of these occurrences have also been linked to climate change due to human-emitted greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are also at an all-time high. 
  • According to the survey, China saw its most extensive and long-lasting heatwave on record, which lasted from mid-June to the end of August.
  • The heatwave occurred during the country’s warmest and second-driest summer on record.
  • It was 0.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous record year.

Highlights of the Report

  • Increase in Concentration of Greenhouse Gases
    • In 2021, the concentrations of three major greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen oxide (NO2), were all at record highs.
    • Methane emissions, 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in generating global warming, surged at the quickest rate ever.
    • Countries promised to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30% by 2030 at the Glasgow climate change conference.
  • Temperature
    • The global mean temperature in 2022 was 1.15 degrees Celsius, higher than the 1850-1900 average.
    • 2015 through 2022 were the eight warmest on record, dating back to 1850.
    • Despite three years of cooling La Nina – a “triple-dip” La Nina has only occurred thrice in the last 50 years.
  • Greenhouse Gasses
    • Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxide concentrations reached new highs in 2021.
    • From 2020 to 2021, the annual increase in methane concentration was the biggest on record.
  • Ocean Heat
    • In 2022, the ocean heat content reached a new high.
    • The ocean absorbs approximately 90% of the energy trapped in the climate system by greenhouse gases.
    • Even higher temperature increases are mitigated, but maritime ecosystems are threatened.
  • Glaciers and Ice
    • In 2022, glacier melt records in the European Alps were broken. 
    • Average thickness losses of 3 to 4 metres were observed across the Alps, significantly more than the previous record year of 2003.
    • According to preliminary data, 6% of the glacier ice volume in Switzerland was lost between 2021 and 2022.
    • For the first time in history, no snow survived the summer season, even at the highest measuring locations, and no new ice formed.

World Meteorological Organisation

  • About
    • The World Meteorological Organisation is an intergovernmental organisation comprised of 192 member countries and territories, including India.
    • Geneva, Switzerland, is the home of the World Meteorological Organisation.
    • It was founded in 1893 due to the Vienna Congress.
    • Since 1951, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has served as the United Nations specialised organisation for meteorology.
    • It includes weather and climate, operational hydrology, and associated geophysical sciences.
    • UNESCO was the WMO’s parent organisation.
    • Publication: Greenhouse Gas Bulletin and State of the Global Climate.
  • Functions
    • Coordination of member states’ meteorological operations.
    • Assuring the publication of meteorological and hydrological data.
    • Encouraging meteorology and hydrological research and development projects.
    • Predicting locust storms and pollutant transport.

Steps taken to tackle Climate Change

  • National Action Plan to Combat Climate Change (NAPCC)
    • India published the NAPCC in response to the rising dangers of climate change.
    • It has eight sub-missions, including the National Solar Mission and the National Water Mission.
  • India Cooling Action Plan
    • It offers a comprehensive approach to cooling and associated fields, including cooling demand reduction. 
    • This would aid in reducing emissions, hence preventing global warming.

Way Forward

  • There is an urgent need to concentrate efforts on ambitious policies and solutions that can rapidly revolutionise how resources are generated and consumed.
  • People and collaboration must be at the forefront of every effort to create new jobs.
  • It increases availability and affordability for everyone while creating a cleaner and greener living environment.

Pic Courtesy: freepik

Content Source: Down to Earth

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