Exercise Sea Dragon 23

Exercise Sea Dragon 23

News Highlight

P8I aircraft of the Indian Navy arrived at Guam, USA, on March 14, 2023, to participate in Exercise Sea Dragon 23.

Key Takeaway

  • The United States, Canada, India, Japan, and South Korea conduct anti-submarine warfare exercises together.
  • While negotiations between Japanese and South Korean leaders.
  • It aimed at fortifying their alliance with Washington against Chinese and North Korean threats.
  • They would result in over 270 hours of in-flight training “ranging from monitoring simulated targets to the culminating difficulty of tracking a US Navy submarine.”

Exercise Sea Dragon 23

  • About
    • Sea Dragon 23 is a biennial multinational coordinated anti-submarine warfare (ASW) exercise for long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft.
    • The United States Navy is hosting the exercise, which includes friendly navies from;
      • Japan
      • Canada
      • South Korea
      • India
    • The exercise’s goal is for the participating countries to establish high levels of synergy and coordination.
    • It is founded on their common values and dedication to an open, inclusive Indo-Pacific.
    • This year, it will occur from March 15 to March 30.
    • The Sea Dragon Exercise, originally held in 2015, is now in its third year.
    • The Indian Navy is represented by a P8I aircraft, along with;
      • P8A of the US Navy
      • P1 from the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force
      • CP 140 from the Royal Canadian Air Force
      • P3C from the RoKN.
  • Objectives
    • The major goal of the exercise is to strengthen coordination among countries participating in multilateral anti-submarine warfare drills.
    • The exercise will feature advanced ASW drills and realistic situations.
    • It will test the participating aircraft’s skills in detecting and tracking underwater targets.
    • The exercise also promotes mutual expertise and knowledge sharing among participants.

P-8I Aircraft

  • About
    • It is a maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft with an extensive range.
    • It is an Indian variant of the P-8A Poseidon aircraft created by Boeing to replace the US Navy’s ageing P-3 fleet.
    • If necessary, the P-8Is detect threats and annihilate them far before they reach Indian coasts.
    • It has a maximum speed of 907 kmph and an operating range of nearly 1,200 nautical miles.
    • In 2009, the Indian Navy became the P-8’s first overseas customer.
    • In 2009, the Navy purchased eight P-8Is at USD 2.2 billion.
    • The aircraft are assigned to the 312A Naval Air Squadron, headquartered in Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu.

Indo-US Defense Ties

  • Overview
    • For the United States, India remains a vital force in the Indo-Pacific and South Asian regions for political stability, peace, and economic prosperity.
    • Military purchases from the United States have been increasingly vital to strengthening ties between the two countries.
    • From practical nil in 2008, India-US defence trade is expected to reach USD 20 billion by 2020, thanks to key legislative changes.
    • The United States has identified India as a Significant Defense Partner (in 2016).
    • In addition, under Strategic Trade Authorization-1 (STA), it was allowed the same access to defence technology as NATO partners and Australia, Japan, and South Korea in 2018.

How is China expanding its Maritime Domain?

  • China’s navy is participating in combined search and rescue exercises with Iran and Russia in the Gulf of Oman.
  • The dispute between China and Japan over minor islands in the East China Sea has also heated up.
  • It has both sides accusing the other of invading their maritime jurisdiction.
  • China is also conducting Security Bond-2023 drills with other countries.

Four Foundational Agreements between the US and its Partners

  • General Security Of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) 
    • India signed it in 2002.
    • It enables the military to share the intelligence they have obtained.
  • Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA)
    • India signed it in 2016.
    • It enables both countries to use each other’s military facilities for refuelling and replenishment.
  • Communications and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement (CISMOA)
    • India signed it in 2018.
    • The India-specific variant of CISMOA is the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA).
  • Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA)
    • India signed BECA in 2020.
    • It enables India and the United States militaries to communicate geospatial and satellite data.

Other joint exercises of India

  • Yudh Abhyas – US
  • Vajra Prahar – US
  • Samprithi – Bangladesh
  • Mitra Shakti – Sri Lanka
  • Garuda Shakti – Indonesia
  • SIMPEX – Singapore


  • The Indian Navy’s involvement in Exercise Sea Dragon 23 demonstrates its dedication.
  • Its naval capabilities will be improved, and cooperation with like-minded governments in the Indo-Pacific area will be strengthened.

Pic Courtesy: Indian Express

Content Source: The Hindu

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Created on By Pavithra

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Which of the following is/are not a joint military exercise between India and the United States?

1. Vajra Prahar

2. Sampriti

3. Yudh Abhyas

4. Garuda Shakti


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