InfoCrop: Indigenous Crop Simulation Model


News Highlight

As a heatwave spectre hangs again over India’s wheat harvest, its home-grown crop simulation model can help: InfoCrop v2.1.

Key Takeaway

  • Scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in Delhi carried out a first-of-its-kind experiment to assess the impact of hot weather on crop productivity in Punjab and Haryana.

InfoCrop v2.1

  • About
    • Firstly, it is the only dynamic crop simulation model in India.
    • It was developed and released by Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in 2015.
    • Its goal is to investigate the long-term effects of climate change and crop management strategies on production.
    • It is a process-based dynamic (real-time) simulation model for calculating the yield growth of 11 crops.
    • Paddy, wheat, maise, sorghum, pearl millet, pigeon pea, chickpea, soybean, peanut, potato, and cotton are the 11 crops.
    • It also contains life cycle data for nearly all 11 local variations of those 11 crops.
    • It gives daily and summary outputs on parameters including growth and yield, nitrogen uptake and balance, greenhouse gas emissions, and soil water.
    • In addition, it performs better in tropical regions.
    • Furthermore, InfoCrop version 1 was released in 2004, and version 2.1 was released in 2015.

How does it work?

  • The parameters in InfoCrop are already calibrated to Indian crop types and are updated at regular intervals by the institute.
  • The parameters address features of;
    • Weather (precipitation, temperature, radiation and others).
    • Crop growth (phenology, grain characteristics, leaf growth, temperature and flooding sensitivity and others).
    • Soil (texture, organic carbon, water holding characteristics and pH levels).
    • Pests and crop management (organic matter, fertiliser and irrigation).

Advantages of the Tool

  • Prevent on-field corruption
    • India now relies on field trials, which are costly and resource-intensive, as well as a highly corrupt practice.
  • Crop insurance prediction
    • To increase accuracy, governments and insurance firms can utilise this for climate effect estimations.
    • As well as pre- or in-season agricultural yield forecasts.
  • Assess crop loss
    • In addition to forecasting, simulation models can assess crop loss following an extreme weather event.
    • It can then be used to provide relief packages.

Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR)

  • Overview
    • ICAR is an autonomous organisation within the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare’s Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE).
    • It was founded on July 16, 1929.
    • In addition, ICAR stands for Imperial Council of Agricultural Research.
    • ICAR, headquartered in New Delhi, operates 101 institutes and 71 agricultural universities.
    • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is the country’s primary agency for coordinating, supervising, and managing agricultural research and education, encompassing horticulture, fisheries, and animal sciences.
    • The Union Minister of Agriculture is the ICAR Society’s ex-officio President
    • Furthermore, the ‘ICAR Vision 2050’ provides the strategic framework for the country’s equitable and sustainable agricultural growth through innovation.

Pic Courtesy: Down to Earth

Content Source: Down to Earth

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