Ozone layer

Ozone layer

News Highlight

Ozone layer to recover in 4 decades, but aerosol injection may undo gains: UNEP.

Key Takeaway

  • The successful phasing out of banned substances, as envisioned by the Montreal Protocol, has set the stage for a complete recovery of the ozone layer by the 2060s.
  • While this is an achievement, the scientists warned of the detrimental effects of geoengineering technologies such as stratospheric aerosol injection on the ozone layer.

Ozone Layer

  • About
    • Firstly, it is a high-ozone layer in the stratosphere of the Earth.
    • This layer protects the Earth from the damaging UV radiation emitted by the Sun.
    • It absorbs 97-99% of UV light from the sun.
    • If the ozone layer did not exist, millions of people would be impacted by skin disorders, including cancer.
    • UV radiation would also harm the ecosystem, resulting in decreased productivity.
    • Depletion of the ozone layer also severely impacts Earth’s biodiversity.

Effect of ozone depletion

  • On humans
    • Non-melanoma skin cancer.
    • Plays a significant role in malignant melanoma development.
    • Furthermore, UVB has been linked to the development of cataracts, a clouding of the eye’s lens.
  • On Plants
    • Firstly, the changes in plant form.
    • Affects the timing of developmental phases and secondary.
    • Affects flowering and photosynthesis in plants.
    • Lower quality crops.
    • In addition, the decline in plant productivity would, in turn, affect soil erosion and the carbon cycle.

Impact on Climate Change

  • According to the Scientific Assessment Panel, the success of the Montreal Protocol inspires confidence in the scientific community and governments striving to limit greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.
  • The scientists underlined that the effectiveness of the ODS ban could aid in implementing the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which calls for the phase-out of specific hydrofluorocarbons (HFC).
  • Reducing HFC concentrations can help prevent global warming of 0.3-0.5°C over pre-industrial levels by the end of the century.
  • Furthermore, the action on ozone sets a precedent for climate action. 
  • The accomplishment of eradicating ozone-depleting chemicals shows what can and must be done promptly to transition away from fossil fuels, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and limit temperature rise.

Montreal Protocol

  • About
    • The Montreal Protocol was established to minimise the production and consumption of ozone-depleting compounds and to protect the earth’s weak ozone layer.
    • The treaty was opened for signature on September 16, 1987, and it entered into force on January 1, 1989, following a first meeting in Helsinki in May 1989.
    • The protocol required a ban on using and commerce of 100 ozone-depleting chemicals (ODS), and 99 per cent of these have been phased out successfully.
    • The most recent addition, the Kigali Amendment, called for eliminating hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in 2016.
    • These HFCs replaced a batch of ozone-depleting compounds phased out under the original Montreal Protocol.


  • The ozone layer is a thin layer of the Earth’s atmosphere that absorbs almost all of the sun’s harmful UV radiation.
  • The ozone layer, which shields life on Earth from harmful solar radiation, is on track to regenerate within decades.
  • Still, disputed geoengineering proposals to address global warming threaten to reverse that progress.

Pic Courtesy: Down to Earth

Content Source: Down to Earth

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Created on By Pavithra

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