1.Economic growth and development
- Basic concept and definition of economy and economics
- Transfer of resources, distributive effects, macro and micro economic policy, micro-macro balance, distributive impact of economic policies
- Economic Growth in India: National Income Determination, GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, Personal Income
- Measures of Economic Development: Human Development Index, Green GDP, Gross National Happiness Index
- Economic Growth versus Economic Develo
- Definitions, causes and distribution-deprivation
- income versus calorie concept
- measurement of poverty- Tendulkar Committee
- status of poverty-Global and Indian States
- Poverty eradication programmes
- poverty and resource policy
- tribal rights, Right to food, right to dignified life
- livelihood mission-Rural and Urban
- Definition, relevance for the individual and society
- Types of inclusion –social political, economic including financial
- Recent initiatives regarding the promotion of the Financial inclusion
- PMJDY, Atal Pension Yojana, and other initiative
- Census 2011 and deviations from earlier census
- Population by gender (Total and sex ratio)
- Population by state (ordering)
- By age group,Socio economic status, caste composition, religion, gender, literacy level, and household facilities like drinking water, sanitation, health status, homeless people
- Energy uses and price of energy
- Trends in human development-interstate comparisons like North and
5.Fiscal policy
- Definition, component
- Receipts
- Revenue and Capital account
- Revenue- Tax and Non Tax ,
- Tax Revenue includes Direct and Indirect Taxes
- Expenditure –Planned and Non Planned
- Budget –Type, process (preparation ) and legislative process
6.Social issues
- Financing health policy
- Education policy
- Sanitation
- Drinking water
- Social security
- Infrastructure policy (telecommunication, energy, transport)
- International trade issues
- Regional cooperation
7.Contemporary Economic Topics
- Make in India
- Industrial corridors
- NITI Ayog
- Black money
- International treaties and organizations
- India’s policies with neighbors