Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

News Highlights:

  • Recently, the Prime Minister of India addressed the 5th International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) 2023 via a video message.
  • 5th International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) was hosted by Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure under the theme of ‘Delivering Resilient & Inclusive Infrastructure’.

Highlights of ICDRI 2023:

  • Overview:
    • International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) 2023 aims to bring together member nations, organizations, institutions, and stakeholders involved in infrastructure to enhance the worldwide dialogue on disaster and climate-resilient infrastructure.
  • Mandate:
    • The upcoming ICDRI in 2023 will be centred on developing practical solutions and a call to action towards achieving resilient infrastructure.
  • Theme:
    • The 5th ICDRI 2023 was organized under the theme of ‘Delivering Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructure’. 
    • The 2023 ICDRI will showcase proven practices and solutions that delve into the systems, practices, and finances required to provide resilient infrastructure to people and economies across various geographies, climate typologies, and infrastructure sectors.
  • The three key pillars of the 5th ICDRI:
    • Pillar 1: Delivering Resilient Infrastructure – Inclusive and Risk-Informed Systems
    • Pillar 2: Shaping Resilient Infrastructure – Creating Resilient Infrastructure Assets
    • Pillar 3: Delivering Resilient Infrastructure – Realising Finance and Investments for Infrastructure Resilience.
  • ICDRI 2023 Objectives:
    • To offer a forum for Member Countries to participate and contribute to developing solutions for disaster-resilient infrastructure.
    • To unite infrastructure stakeholders, encouraging partnerships, sharing knowledge, and promoting complementary solutions towards disaster resilience infrastructure.
    • To bring together DRI stakeholders to increase collective efforts towards improving infrastructure resilience.
  • Significance:
    • The 2023 ICDRI will provide a platform for decision-makers, thought leaders, academia, and institutions from around the world who are working on solutions for infrastructure resilience to come together.
    • The 5th ICDRI conference program will offer an opportunity to discuss, exchange ideas, and identify concrete solutions and actions to integrate resilience principles into sector-wide policies, processes, and practices across various stakeholder groups.
    • The conference will facilitate engagement with effective partnerships, existing models, best practices, and lessons learned on infrastructure resilience to make informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of infrastructure assets and their overall governance and financing frameworks.

What is CDRI?

  • About:
    • CDRI is an Independent International Organization consisting of a global partnership of national governments, United Nations agencies and programs, multilateral development banks and financing mechanisms, the private sector, and academic and research institutions.
    • It aims to increase the resilience of infrastructure systems to climate and disaster risks, thereby ensuring sustainable development.
    • It was launched in 2019 at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York.
    • CDRI is India’s second major global initiative after the International Solar Alliance (ISA).
    • The CDRI Secretariat is based in New Delhi, India.
  • Members:
    • Since its inception, 31 countries, 6 international organisations and 2 private sector organisations have joined CDRI as members.
  • Significance for India:
    • CDRI provides a platform for India to emerge as a global leader in climate Action and Disaster Resilience.
    • It boosts India’s soft power, but more importantly, it has a wider connotation than just economics, as synergy between disaster risk reduction, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Climate Accord provides for sustainable and inclusive growth.

Initiatives of CDRI

  • Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS):
    • India launched this initiative as a part of the CDRI that would focus on building capacity and having pilot projects, especially in Small Island Developing States or SIDS.
    • SIDS face the biggest threat from climate change.
    • India’s space agency ISRO will build a special data window for them to provide them with timely information about cyclones, coral-reef monitoring, coastline monitoring etc., through satellite.
  • Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator Fund:
    • The Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator Fund is a fund supported by both the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
    • It is a trust fund that will be managed by the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (UN MPTFO) to help in improving the ability of infrastructure systems to withstand disasters, with a special focus on developing countries and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Pic Courtesy: Freepik

Content Source: PIB

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Q). Consider the following statements about the Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI)

1. CDRI is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations that aims to increase the resilience of infrastructure systems to climate and disaster risks.

2. The CDRI Secretariat is based in New Delhi, India.

3. CDRI is India's second major global initiative after the International Solar Alliance (ISA).

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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