Special Vostro Rupee Accounts

Special Vostro Rupee Accounts

News Highlight

RBI has allowed banks from 18 countries to pen Special Vostro Rupee Accounts (SVRAs).

Key Takeaway

  • SVRAs may be established by banks from partner nations by approaching Authorised Dealer (AD) institutions in India.
  • According to the Union Minister of State for Finance, it may receive approval from the RBI after the proper procedure.

Special Vostro Rupee Accounts (SVRAs)

  • About
    • A vostro account is a foreign bank account held by a domestic bank in the latter’s domestic currency, in this case, the rupee.
    • Domestic banks use it to provide international banking services to clients with global banking needs.
    • The SRVA is an extension of the existing system that uses freely convertible currencies and functions as a complement.
    • To allow commerce, present systems necessitate keeping balances and positions in currencies such as the US dollar and the British pound.
  • Framework
    • All exports and imports must be denominated and invoiced in Indian National Rupees (INR).
    • The market would establish the exchange rate between the trading partners’ currencies.
    • The Final Settlement is also conducted in INR.
    • Eligibility Criteria of Banks
    • When banks from partner countries approach opening SRVA, the authorised domestic bank will seek approval from the highest banking authority by presenting specifics of the agreement.
    • Domestic banks must guarantee that the correspondent bank does not come from a country on the FATF’s list of High Risk and Non-Cooperative countries.
    • Furthermore, approved banks are permitted to open numerous SVRA accounts for banks from the same nation.

Functioning of SVRA

  • The authorised domestic dealer banks are required to open SRVA accounts for correspondent banks of the partner trade countries.
  • Domestic importers must pay (INR) into the correspondent bank’s SRVA account against invoices for products or services an overseas seller/supplier supplied.
  • Similarly, domestic exporters will be paid the export revenues (in INR) from the balances in the designated account of the partner country’s correspondent bank.
  • Via the above-mentioned Rupee Payment Mechanism, Indian exporters may get advance payment in Indian rupees from overseas importers for exports.
  • Nonetheless, the local bank’s top priority would be to guarantee that the available funds are used to meet current payment obligations.
    • Such as already executed export orders or export payments in the pipeline.
  • All cross-border transactions must be reported under the current Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) rules.

Significance of SVRS

  • International banking services
    • Domestic banks use it to provide foreign financial services to their clients without physically being present in another country.
  • Payments in rupee
    • It also allows for rupee payments for the export and purchase of goods in the event of trade with Russia.
    • Account balances can be repatriated in freely convertible currency and/or the currency of the beneficiary partner country.
  • Expansion of market base
    • It enables domestic banks to get greater access to international financial markets.
  • Reduction in forex
    • According to the Economic Report (2022-23), the framework might significantly lower the net demand for foreign exchange.
  • INR as an international currency
    • It promotes INR as a worldwide currency in the long run.

Nostro Accounts

  • About
    • A Nostro account is a bank’s account in another bank.
    • It enables consumers to deposit funds into a bank’s account at another bank. 
    • It is frequently used when a bank has no branches in a foreign country
    • Nostro is a Latin word that means “ours”.
    • Assume bank “A” has no branches in Russia, although bank “B” does. 
    • “A” will now open a Nostro account with “B” to receive the deposits in Russia.
    • Now, if any consumers in Russia wish to send money to “A”, they can deposit it into A’s account in “B”. 
    • “B” will pay “A” the money.
    • The major distinction between a deposit account and a Nostro account is that private depositors own the former, whereas the latter is held by foreign entities.

Pic Courtesy: The Hindu

Content Source: The Hindu

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Q) Consider the following statements:

1. A Nostro account is an account that a domestic bank holds for a foreign bank in the domestic bank’s currency.

2. Vostro account services include wire transfers, foreign exchange transactions, and deposit and withdrawal capabilities.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

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