Grievances Appellate Committees

Grievances Appellate Committees

News Highlight

The grievances appellate committees will be empowered to oversee and revoke content moderation-related decisions taken by social media platforms.

Key Takeaway

  • The Centre has established three grievance appellate panels to handle customer complaints against social media and other internet-based platforms.
  • In addition, it involves having the authority to supervise and revoke content moderation decisions made by these sites.

Grievance Appellate Committees

  • About
    • The Central Government would establish one or more “Grievance Appellate Committees” under the proposed modifications to the IT Rules, 2021.
    • The appellate committees will hear appeals from users who disagree with the decision of the Grievance Officer assigned by the social media middleman.
    • Furthermore, the committee will be chaired by the chief executive officer of the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Working
    • Anyone dissatisfied with an order from a social media network’s Grievance Officer may file an appeal with the Committee within 30 days of receiving communication from the Grievance Officer.
    • The Committee shall deal with such appeal swiftly and make every effort to resolve the appeal eventually within 30 calendar days of its receipt.
    • Additionally, the intermediary must follow every order issued by the Committee.

The Need for Grievance Appellate Committees

  • Multiple standoffs between the government and social media sites over content moderation and takedown occurred in 2021.
  • As Internet connectivity in India continues to grow fast, new challenges concerning government policy emerge. 
  • As a result, it is vital to address the gaps to deal with such challenges.

IT rules, 2021

  • About
    • The government issued the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules in 2021.
  • Features
    • Significant Social Media Intermediaries (SSMIs) are social media intermediaries with more than a certain number of registered users in India.
    • SSMIs are required to appoint compliance personnel, enable identification of the first originator of the information and deploy technology-based measures for content identification.
    • In addition, all intermediaries must provide a grievance redressal process for users or victims to resolve complaints.
    • Online publishers of news and current affairs content and curated audio-visual content have mandated a framework for content governance.
    • For publishers, a three-tier grievance redressal procedure with varying levels of self-regulation has been proposed.
  • Issues
    • In some situations, the rules may go beyond the authorities assigned by the IT Act of 2000.
    • Such as mandating certain intermediaries to identify the originating source of information and regulating SSMIs and internet publications.
    • Furthermore, the grounds for regulating online content are overbroad and may jeopardise free expression.
    • There are no procedural safeguards in place for demands by law enforcement authorities for information held by intermediaries.
    • Requiring messaging providers to identify the primary author of the information on their platform may jeopardise people’s privacy.


  • Anyone dissatisfied with a decision of a social media intermediary’s grievance officer has 30 days to seek an appeal with the GAC.
  • The GAC must deal with the appeal and resolve it within one month of its receipt.
  • The GACs’ online platform will be operational on March 1, 2023, taking into account the transition period required for intermediaries based on their requests and technological requirements.

Pic Courtesy: Tribune India

Content Source: Indian Express

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Created on By Pavithra

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With reference to Grievance Appellate Committees (GACs), consider the following statements:

1. The GAC will be a virtual digital platform that will only operate online, and the entire process will be performed digitally.

2. The committee will endeavour to address the user's appeal within 10 days.

3. The three GACs will comprise a chairperson, two full-time members from various government agencies, and retired top industry executives.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

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