News Highlight
There has been an increase in the magnitude, frequency, and intensity of floods in many parts of the world.
Key Takeaway
- Nearly a third of Pakistan is experiencing devastation, with the spread of diseases and the severe shortage of potable water after intense flooding.
- In June this year(2022), Assam experienced one of its worst floods in living memory, affecting over 30 districts.
- Flooding is a condition of the land and human settlements by the rise of water in the channels and its spillover.
Flood in India
- India accounts for one-fifth of global flood deaths.
Causes of floods
- Heavy rainfall:
- Heavy concentrated rainfall reduces the capacity of rivers to accept any more surface run-off, and as a result, water spills over to adjoining areas.
- Sediment deposition:
- River beds become shallow due to sedimentation. The water carrying capacity of such rivers is reduced.
- As a result, the heavy rainwater overflows the river banks.
- Increased urbanisation:
- It has reduced the ability of the land to absorb rainfall through the introduction of hard impermeable surfaces.
- This increases the volume and rate of surface run-off as less water infiltrates the ground.
- Climate change:
- Global warming and associated issues such as cyclonic rainfall triggers flood.
- Deforestation:
- Due to deforestation, the land becomes obstruction-free, and water flows faster into rivers, causing floods.
- Waste dump:
- Unscientific waste disposal blocks drainage water flows. It also leads to urban floods.
- International dimension:
- The rivers originating in China, Nepal and Bhutan cause severe floods in the states of Assam, Bihar etc.
Way forward
- Rainwater harvesting:
- Due to urbanisation, groundwater recharge has decreased and the peak runoff from rainfall and consequent flooding has increased.
- There should be schemes to enhance rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharging.
- Integrated approach:
- Steps need to be taken for watershed management through an integrated approach.
- Often, these approaches involve hard engineering and ecologically sustainable soft solutions.
- IFLOWS System for all major cities:
- It is a state of art Integrated Flood warning system to enhance the resilience of cities by providing early warning for flooding, especially during high rainfall events and cyclones.
- Environmental Step:
- Afforestation and rejuvenation of wetlands as a measure to counter flood.
- Weather Prediction:
- Modern weather stations in the upstream catchment of all dams in flood-prone areas and installing sirens on river banks near dams.
Content Source: The Hindu